Can I use my phone or tablet for BetterHelp?

System requirements:

  • You need (1) a computer, (2) a phone that can receive SMS text and/or phone calls, and (3) a strong, reliable internet connection in order to be successful on our platform. 
  • Our system is sensitive and will kick you out if an interruption in your connection is detected due to security restrictions. 
  • Your computer should have a working microphone and camera, and the latest version of Google Chrome.

Using the BetterHelp App:

  • You will not be able to conduct video sessions with members from your phone or tablet as these must be done from a computer in a quiet and private environment.
  • However, you can use the BetterHelp app on your phone or tablet to send messages to your members and manage your schedule if you’d like. 
  • You can only be logged in on one device at a time, so please be sure to log out of the app before starting a session on your computer.
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