Profile Photo
The photo you choose to upload is very important!
Your photo is the first thing members will see when deciding to work with you, and it will remain displayed throughout your time working with each member. Making sure you have a clear and professional photo is essential to your success.
Please read the following guidelines carefully. Your account will not be approved if your photo doesn't comply with these guidelines:
- Your photo must be in a professional setting.
- Use a photo featuring only yourself (though we love them too, please do not include pets, partners, or loved ones).
- Your photo must be taken from the shoulders and above. We see success with photos that are 70-80% focused on your face.
- Your photo must be in high resolution. You may use your mobile phone if it is of good quality.
- No selfies. Please either have someone else take the photo for you, or use a timer.
- Don't use black and white pictures. You can see other counselors' photos here.
Please note that your photo will need to be uploaded as a .jpg, PDF, or .png file. Live photos (.HEIC) and Word documents will not be accepted. The file needs to be under 16 MB in order to be successfully uploaded to the system. Please consider resizing your photo if it is not uploading properly.