Technical Troubleshooting Tips

Video Session Technical Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Use Google Chrome and make sure it is up to date. You can confirm this here:
  • Do not use a tablet, iPad, or cell phone for the video interview.
  • Restart your computer before the interview.
  • Conduct the video session test in the "Help" dropdown menu prior to starting the interview.
  • Disable any pop-up blockers you may have.
  • Make sure your WiFi connection is good, otherwise plug in if possible!
  • Make sure your computer has allowed permission for BetterHelp to access the camera and microphone.
  • Make sure you do not have Zoom, Skype, PhotoBooth, Google Hangouts or any other application or website open that might be fighting for the access to your webcam or microphone capabilities.
  • Clear your cookies.
  • If these tips do not help, you can reach out to for more tips and suggestions.
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